Friday, January 1, 2010

Got it done....kind of....

Ok....first run of the year. It was mostly walking. My kids went with me. Me on foot, them on bikes. Half way around our second time around our very little neighborhood... my youngest's pedal fell off her bike. It would NOT go back on without a tool! So we headed back home. Pushing the youngest on her bike up the hill. I recently read an article about how there is an increase in the chance of having a heart attack in the winter. I now see why.

On the positive side. We got out there. Tomorrow we will try again.

Let's get this started.

I have toyed with the idea of blogging for a while. I am hoping that this will be a way for me to keep motivated. It's the beginning of a new year. I will not be making a new years resolution. My goal is to make resolutions about my life from this point forward. Goals for the long term not just the short. Short term goals are great to keep you motivated, but the long term are the bigger picture.

My goals are to become a serious runner. Get my children more active. And as a family I want us to have a few adventures. Get outdoors and away from so much technology.... :)

I hope everyone will share their ideas and adventures with me.